Sunday, June 24, 2012

9 months

 Wes, you are 9 months old! It is hard to believe that in just a few short months we will be having your first birthday party. Wow! You are at such a fun age. You were so well-behaved during church last night, and sat up in the pew all by yourself. I feel like you are becoming happier and more content with each passing day. Maybe you will even start sleeping in. ;-)

Wes, at 9 months old you...

*love to crawl everywhere, sit up like a big boy, and stand with help!
*have four teeth on top and three on bottom. Your little smile melts this momma's heart!
*wear 9 or 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
*take two naps per day.
*are going to bed about 8:00 and sleep until about 5:30. You go back to sleep until 7:30 or so. Some days you just wake up at 6:30 or so and then are up until your morning nap.
*are a fantastic eater! We are still just feeding you whole grains and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. We will probably introduce protein soon.
*love to play with trucks, your farm animals, and balls. Mom and Dad love reading books to you!

We love you so much! You are becoming such a handsome little man with a sweet personality. You will be walking all over the place in no time!

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